We offer drainage and insulation in Helsingborg and the surrounding area

We carry out over 100 drainage projects every year and have completed over 1000 drainage projects since 2009. We now also perform drainage in Helsingborg.

Phone – 040-960900
Mail – info@lornemark.se

Drainage and insulation in Helsingborg

For properties in Helsingborg, drainage is an important measure to protect building foundations from moisture and water damage. With customized solutions that take into account the property’s foundation type and the local soil conditions in Helsingborg, we can effectively solve moisture problems and ensure long-term sustainability.

Common causes of moisture problems

Moisture problems can occur for several reasons. Older building techniques and material choices in Helsingborg have often contributed to today’s challenges. Traditional methods, such as using asphalt to seal basement foundation walls, have often had the opposite effect – moisture has become trapped in the walls instead of being conducted away.

Climate change and weather variability exacerbate these problems, especially for properties located in vulnerable areas. When walls cannot dry out properly, a damp indoor climate is created that can lead to structural damage.

Consequences of inadequate drainage

Lack of effective drainage often leads to inward moisture migration from the ground to the house foundation. This can result in high moisture levels in the basement, especially in spaces such as laundry rooms and saunas. A humid climate can damage the structure of the building and shorten its lifespan. Soil conditions and the location of the building affect how well the drainage system can cope with the load.

Our solutions for drainage in Helsingborg

A successful solution to protect your property from moisture includes three key components:

  1. Drainage – Drains water away from the house foundation.
  2. Thermal insulation – Prevents heat loss and protects against moisture.
  3. Capillary break – Stops moisture migration from the soil.

We offer customized drainage solutions in Helsingborg that are designed to meet local needs. Whether it’s new build or renovation, we’ll ensure your house stays dry and protected from moisture for years to come.

Contact us for drainage in Helsingborg

Do you need help with drainage in Helsingborg? We are experts in solving moisture problems and work with proven methods that provide long-term protection. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you protect your property from moisture damage.

Bild från dränering i Helsingborg
Rör som skall leda bort vatten vid dränering i Mölndal
Rör och grus för dränering i Helsingborg

Features of drainage systems in Helsingborg

A well-functioning drainage system is crucial to protect house foundations from moisture and water damage in Helsingborg. Here are some key components and measures that ensure sustainable and efficient drainage.

Drainage line and drainage layer

For properties in Helsingborg, protecting foundation walls from rising groundwater is critical. The drainage pipe, which is placed under the floor and outside the foundation wall, is an important part of the system.

  • The drainage layer under the floor: prevents the groundwater level from reaching the house foundation.
  • Drainage layer outside the foundation wall: Diverts sinking soil water to prevent the foundation wall from being soaked.

Drainage column

A drainage column is central to diverting water from the house foundation and consists of:

  • Drainage pipes: Transport water to municipal connections, private culverts, or storm drains.
  • Gravel (8/11 or 11/16): Drains water and moisture effectively.
  • Soil fiber cloth: Filters out sediment and protects pipes from clogging.

Our drainage systems are designed to meet the specific soil conditions in Helsingborg and ensure long-term function.

Protection measures

To maximize the lifetime of the drainage system and reduce the maintenance needs are used:

  • Soil fiber cloth: Prevents soil particles from clogging the drainage pipes and layer.
  • Backfilling with existing soil: clay, sand and till can be used, but larger rocks are avoided to protect the drainage layer and insulation boards.

Capillary breaking insulation boards

It is important that water and moisture do not reach the foundation walls of the house. To prevent this, we use:

  • Capillary breaking drainage layer: Prevents moisture migration from the soil.
  • Specially designed insulation boards: allow drying out of the foundation wall even when it is thermally insulated on the outside.

We use only the highest quality materials, such as Isodrän and Pordrän, to guarantee the best possible results.

Lorné Mark & Fastighetsservice AB in Helsingborg

With long experience and a strong grounding in technological advances, we offer the highest quality drainage services in Helsingborg. Our solutions are sustainable, efficient and adapted to local conditions.

We work all year round and only pause during periods of severe cold that cause deep frost in the ground. Contact us today for a customized solution for drainage in Helsingborg!

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Lorné Mark & Fastighetsservice AB utför en dränering & isolering av en bostadsrättsförening i Göteborg

How to perform drainage in Helsingborg to protect the foundation of buildings

In Helsingborg, proper drainage is crucial to protect building foundations from water damage and moisture problems. Here is a step-by-step process that ensures sustainable and efficient drainage:

Step 1: Digging of shafts

Drainage work begins by digging a trench around the house down to a level that is adapted to the unique conditions of the property and the soil. To minimize the risk of settlement, one side of the house is usually dug at a time. This method is slightly more time-consuming but ensures that the stability of the house is maintained during the work.

Step 2: Placement of drainage gravel

At the bottom of the shaft, a bed of drainage gravel is placed. This step is critical because the gravel effectively drains soil water away from the building foundation and prevents the water level from reaching the building foundation.

Step 3: Installation of drainage pipes

On top of the gravel bed, perforated drainage pipes are laid, carefully adapted to the local conditions of the property and Helsingborg. These pipes play a key role in carrying away the collected water, usually to:

  • A nearby stormwater well
  • A specially designed stone coffin
  • Other appropriate drainage depending on the local infrastructure

Benefits of proper drainage in Helsingborg

Proper drainage not only protects the property from moisture and water damage but also extends the life of the building. It contributes to a healthier indoor environment by reducing the risk of mold and other moisture-related problems.

Contact us for drainage in Helsingborg

Do you need professional help with drainage in Helsingborg? We are experts in customizing drainage solutions to suit local soil conditions and property needs. Contact us today for a long-term, reliable solution that will keep your property safe from moisture and water damage.

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